Pre-K and Kindergarten
Students will experiment in music to find their singing voices, develop a sense of personal space and motor skills through movement games and song. Units will include high/low sounds, fast/slow tempos, loud/soft dynamics, as well as listening and creating. Kindergarten will participate in concerts during the year.
First Grade
First Grade students will subsequently build upon skills taught in Kindergarten. Children will continue to create, perform, and respond to a variety of grade level appropriate games and songs. Students will develop skills in singing, music reading and notation. Solfege syllables and hand signs will be introduced. Rhythmic notation of eighth and quarter notes, as well as eighth and quarter rests will be taught by sight and sound. Movement games and instruments will reinforce steady beat and appropriate rhythms. Students will perform in concert.
Second Grade
Second Grade students continue to develop their musical skills through creative dance, song and composition. Solfege rounds and developing vocal independence will be emphasized. Music form will be discovered through music examples, binary form will be a focus. Students will be exposed to multi-cultural songs and dances. Students will participate in several concerts.
Third Grade
Musical skills further develop this year and content areas will be taken to a deeper level of understanding. As their knowledge of musical literature expands, new notation of whole notes, dotted rhythms, rests, bar lines, and fermatas will be added. Tempo markings will be recognized both visually and aurally. Students will learn to identify musical instruments by sight and sound, as well as an introduction to the Orchestra and music instrument families. A recorder unit is taught to help develop reading and performance skills, as well as to develop students’ sense of musicianship. Classroom music will reflect the study in the general classroom for literacy and history.
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade music will develop an understanding of the pentatonic scale, voice ostinatos and transferring solfege to musical notation. Music literacy sequence is taught, included learning letter names and proper music terminology. Students will add to music form including rondo and theme and variations. Folk dances and multicultural dance will be incorporated. In the second half of the year, the students will begin a curriculum provided by Carnegie Hall called, Link-Up”. This program will have students singing and performing on the recorder to a variety of musical selections. The culmination of this curriculum will be a field trip and performance at Carnegie Hall with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s and other Tri-State are area children. Students will also participate in a school concert.
Fifth Grade
Students will create, perform and respond to music of various genres to develop a life-long appreciation and understanding of music. Vocal technique will focus on pitch, independence, and good vocal production. Compositional and improvisational usage will be explored. Music of America including everything from Jazz to Blue Grass will be surveyed. Historical context will be integrated. Music Theory will be expanded upon. Students will participate in a concert.
Sixth Grade
Sixth Grade will focus on finding the musician within. Each child has been given the tools to continue to grow into a life-long musician. Further development of classical structure, repertoire, and composers will be studied. Music Theory will incorporate musical technology. Avant-garde and modern music will be examined. Students will work in groups to create and synthesize their own musical compositions as a culminating project. Students will perform in a concert.